Τετάρτη, 5 Φεβρουαρίου 2025
Φεβρουάριος 2025 |
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Date 30/4/2001 Almost since its inception, the Athens Baptist Church, went out at beautiful Katsimidi on Easter Mondays. There, in the midst of God's wonderful handiwork, we spent unforgettable hours and days. It wasn't so much the good and abundant food, with lambs roasted on a spit most of the times, nor even the games young people enjoyed playing. It was rather and mainly the brotherly love, the warm Christian fellowship we all enjoyed as thoughts, questions and answers, testimonies, singing and messages from the Bible that filled our hearts with heaven. We still continue the activity, but in some other places now, where, in case of rain, we can have a shelter. So nice are these outings, that when time comes for breaking up none seems to be willing to make a start. This makes us think of heaven and that eternal meeting with our blessed Lord, in a special way. Of course we all look for that blessed hope, the Rapture, but if the Lord so chooses to have us go up through death, with an individual call, His will be done. What is the brightening thought of this is the fact that "we shall ever be with the Lord" amen.