Christians are those who not only believe on, but also follow Christ. He said: 'If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, take up his cross and follow me'
Σάββατο, 27 Ιουλίου 2024
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Send Print Eleftheria Ioannou's Baptism
Date: 19/12/2011 Time: 10:11
Athens: Sunday, December 18, 2011, after the morning service we heard our teenage sister Eleftheria Ioannou profess Christ as her personal Savior and ... »
Send Print Effie's Baptism
Date: 28/5/2010 Time: 11:43

Sunday, May 23, 2010, after the evening service, we had the joy of baptizing Effie Kypriades. She's been brought up in the church and has just turned eighteen. She was a little girl when her father Panagiotis, a very dear Brother in Christ, was killed in an accident. Her widowed mother, our beloved ... »

Send Print Baptism of Stavroula
Date: 23/8/2008 Time: 10:30

Athens: On Sunday, August 10, 2008, we had the joy of hearing Stavroula Loupa profess Christ as her personal Savior. She was brought up in the church, being the youngest of her family of five, who have been active members and a real blessing to this local body of Christ. Stavroula was baptized after the eve... »

Send Print General Elections 2007
Date: 22/8/2008 Time: 8:19

Athens: On the 16th of this month, September 2007, Greece held general elections. The campaign has been a heated one, much more so because of the unprecedented wild fires that devastated the land during the summer, for which the opposition, on the whole, accused the ruling New Democracy Party (conservative)... »

Send Print Baptism of Alecos Dordas
Date: 16/5/2008 Time: 11:7

Athens: On Sunday May 11, 2008, we had the joy to see Alecos, a young man born and brought up in the Evangelical Baptist Church, now a studentof the Polytechnic, follow the Lord in baptism, after his profession of Christ as his personal Savior. The baptism was performed by immersion, in the name of the Fath... »

Send Print Returning from vacation (2007)
Date: 6/9/2007 Time: 15:27

Athens: Summer is almost over. This one, with its consecutive heat waves and huge destructive wild fires, will remain in our memory as a nightmare. We pray it never comes back! With relief we welcomed the first signs of autumn, and pray the expected rainfalls won't cause any further disaster, especially to ... »

All the problems and impasses in our lives are due to self. If our self is kept crucified by faith, we will enjoy the freedom of the sons of God.
Personal website of Markos Boussios
3 Pavlou Mela St.
142 31 Nea Ionia, Athens, Greece
Telephone 2: mobile 6932458402 Fax: 210.275.2383

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