Personal website of Markos Boussios
With God all things are possible
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Audible messages

Meat from heaven
Greece was suffering greatly under the heel of the German invader. The worst famine the country has ever known in all of its long history was mercilessly and indiscriminately taking a heavy toll on young and old, and in cities like Athens, Salonica, Patras et. al., the dead were picked up from the streets by carts and taken out town for massive burials. Our family, consisting of mother and seven children, six girls and myself, father having died of pneumonia a little earlier, lived up in northern Greece, in Pogoni of Jannina and a village called lower Ravenia. The house we stayed at was, of course, old, but large enough, having a front yard as big as a small farm. I remember during a long and severe winter, when the snow stayed on the ground for weeks and months, mother would take a shovel and going out would clear the snow of about two square meters a space, then would take a sieve, of those used to sift sand, gravel and suchlike, and set it one side on the ground the other somewhat elevated, being supported that way by a stick on which a string, long enough to reach inside the house through a purposely kept a little bit open window. The distance was about fifteen meters. Under the sieve she'd spread crumbs of bread. Then she'd summon us to prayer and we would hear her say «Father, send your quails», thank you, amen! Did God hear that prayer?
Glory to Him, He sure did! Shortly birds of various sizes swarmed under the sieve and started swallowing the crumbs of bread! Then mother would pull the string and the sieve would capture them. Thus we would have meat to eat for more than one day! This was done many times and when the birds wouldn't seem to come, mother would call us to prayer and God would answer the same way. God is still the same! Remembering some of His many wonderful provisions in the past, the petition «Lord, increase my faith» is never missing from my prayers in the present! To God be the glory, great things He has done!
Sermon on the Mount in Greek
Sermon on the Mount in Greek
Matthew chapter 7
Reading Markos Boussios
Athens Sept. 25, 2008
Sermon On The Mount in Greek
Matthew 5
Reading Markos Boussios
Athens Sept.25, 2008
Sermon On The Mount in Greek
Matthew chapter 6
Reading Markos Boussios
Athens Sept.25,2008
The Gospel According to St. John
John Chapter 2 Greek
Reading Markos Boussios
Athens 10-14-2008
The Gospel According to St. John
John Ch.One-Greek
Reading Markos Boussios
Athens 10-10-2008
The two Resurrections
The two Resurrections
Í.Ô. reading
Reading I Corinthians Ch.13
Markos Boussios
ATHENS 11-08-2008
Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. 2 Timothy 4:2
Personal website of Markos Boussios
3 Pavlou Mela St.
142 31 Nea Ionia, Athens, Greece
Telephone 2: mobile 6932458402 Fax: 210.275.2383

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