Patience is a tree whose roots are bitter, but its fruit very sweet
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It is most important for a New Testament church to be on guard against the devil's scheme to substitute material and earthly things for spiritual and heavenly realities. Therefore, given the fact that Worship of the Triune God in spirit and in truth, and preaching the gospel to sinners, as well as teaching the Word to edify the believers has been ordained by the Lord to be the main mission of the church, special care and caution should be taken when it comes to the so-called activities. Some of them, like «the feasts of love», picnics, etc., are in accordance with the letter and the spirit of the New Testament, and much conducive to the maintenance of unity and to the growth of the family of God. But there are so many other activities that are foreign both to the letter and to the spirit of God's Word, and allowing them to replace the elements mentioned above as the basic ones, means falling into one of the devil's most pernicious snares. "Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood." (Acts 20: 28).



Before Prayer Meeting Friday Evening

Date 3/1/2009

We read in the Book of Acts that the early Christians: " prayers." (Acts 2: 42). And if there's something the churches of Christ need today most, it's exactly that: Prayer, much collective prayer! So many other church activities, that are not found in the New Testament, nor are in accordance either with the letter or with the spiri...


Christmas 2008

Date 30/12/2008

The photo shows one of the tables of our Christmas "Agape" (feast of love) this year. There was plenty of delicious food and all sorts of goodies. The ladies of the church did a wonderful job! But, as always, in such cases, it isn't so much the material goods that fill us with joy and blessing. It's the presence of God in a brotherhood where indivi...


Easter 2008

Date 9/8/2008

Another Easter Monday. About fifty of us spent the day at the summer home of one of our member families somewhere near Corinth. The fellowship was excellent. And so was the food. Lambs roasted on the spit and plenty of other goodies left nobody unsatisfied. The worship hour was a real blessing, as, besides a small message from the Bible, songs and ...


Another Agape

Date 6/8/2008

The "Agapes" (love feasts), a blessed practice of the early Christians are just as good for us today! How nice for God's people to get together around the tables and enjoy, along with the goodies the sisters prepare, brotherly fellowship! All this is certainly a blessing when done under the strict supervision of godly ministers and never at the exp...


Pastor in the Pulpit

Date 4/8/2008

A New Testament Church gives emphasis to Preaching and Teaching. Paul uses the Greek word kerygma in reference to the preaching of the gospel to sinners, whereas for the believers the word didache is used. These two elements constitute the main pillars of the edifice of a true New Testament church. Unfortunately, nowadays the tendency is to either ...


Suffer little children

Date 26/12/2007

When Jesus was down here, mothers brought their little ones to Him so that He, by putting His hands on their heads, might bless them! His disciples, however, forbad them. But Jesus said to them: "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God." (Luke 18: 16). Whatever the Lord might have meant by th...


Children singing

Date 21/12/2001

A group of children of the Athens Baptist Church. What are they doing? They sing to the Lord! We can't hear the singing, but we can enjoy the picture! It is true that children, flowers and birds, make life beautiful. And our Lord Jesus spoke of all three of them, and called the attention of His audience on them in a number of occasions in the New T...


Picnic at Katsimidi

Date 30/4/2001

Almost since its inception, the Athens Baptist Church, went out at beautiful Katsimidi on Easter Mondays. There, in the midst of God's wonderful handiwork, we spent unforgettable hours and days. It wasn't so much the good and abundant food, with lambs roasted on a spit most of the times, nor even the games young people enjoyed playing. It was rathe...


Katsimidi again

Date 23/4/2001

This photo shows some of the young people of the Evangelical Baptist Church in Athens, Greece, playing while on a picnic at beautiful Katsimidi. Older people, somewhere there, are enjoying the environment, singing, talking, having a good Christian fellowship. For believers in Christ, through this life is but a pilgrimage though the wilderness, ye...


Another picnic at Katsimidi

Date 26/4/1999

Again at beautiful Katsimidi. Another time, another wonderful day! Nostalgic past! Who doesn't like to be in the mountains! Who doesn't enjoy the sea! God's works are beyond description. But in cases like this in the picture the most admirable thing is the fellowship among the believers in Christ. We can serve and worship the Lord out in the beauti...


Tasos' wedding

Date 13/6/1998

Tasos is the oldest son, and first-born, of Markos and Mary Boussios. He is married to Liouba Navtsouk from Ukraine, a believer and good wife and mother. God has given them two boys, Markos 8 and Andrew 6 years old. They are a nice family. They come to church and the boys attend Sunday School. It is our prayer, as is for all the other of our gran...


Baptism in the Aegean Sea

Date 25/7/1994

It was a lovely summer afternoon. Six of our church people, after having professed faith on the Lord Jesus Christ as their personal Savior, were to be scripturally baptized. A group of about twenty of us, having arranged all details, arrived at beautiful Vravrona, about thirty-five kilometers from Athens. The sea was somewhat rough, but that was ...


S.School after Christmas Program

Date 26/12/1993

The picture is an old one. It shows Sunday School teachers and pupils after a Christmas program. Most of the boys and girls here, some fathers and mothers now, have professed faith in Christ as their personal Savior. But some, two or three possibly, sadly, have gone into the world. For the former we pray the Lord will be blessing and using them for...


Basil's wedding

Date 6/3/1993

Basil is the second son as well as the second in age child of Markos and Mary Boussios. He is married to Joanna Vaharopoulos with whom they have had three children, two girls, Maria and Flora, ages 14 and 12, and a boy, Aris, age 8 years. A lovely family! The photo shows the newlyweds, just after the ceremony, with Markos and Mary at the sides. T...


Before Baptism

Date 28/6/1990

It is summer. The time 08 p.m. Thanks to Daylight Saving Time, the sun is still high up in the sky and shining quite brightly. The scenery beyond description. A group of around thirty members of the Athens Baptist Church came out to the beautiful eastern coast of Attica to do something that filled their hearts with joy and made their faces radian...


After Baptism at Vravrona

Date 18/6/1990

Seven believers, having accepted and professed Christ as their personal Savior, were baptized one beautiful summer afternoon at historical Vravrona. The picture shows the group from the church that came for the sacred ceremony. We are seated at tables enjoying food, soft drinks, coffee etc. All faces radiant, especially of those who were baptized,...


At Ancient Corinth with Bro. Vanaman

Date 7/11/1989

The picture was taken in November 1989, when the Athens Baptist Church had the joy and privilege to have Bros. Paul and Tim Vanaman visit it. Bro. Vanaman, in his capacity as President of B.E.M.A., was on a tour to encourage gospel workers in a number of countries in Europe and the Middle East. To me he was a great encouragement and blessing, as wa...


With Bros. Paul and Tim V

Date 6/11/1989

One of the highlights of my ministry has been the visit of Bros. Paul Vanaman and his son Tim in 1989. Though it was the month of November the weather was excellent. We made some very nice trips, visited Biblical sites, like the ruins of ancient Corinth etc. But, none of us will forget Bro. Vanaman's powerful and blessed preaching in church. What a...


Athens Baptist Church meeting

Date 1/10/1987

God's people gathered together to worship Him. The preaching of the Word is the heart of a New Testament local church, such as the Evangelical Baptist Church in Athens, Greece. The picture is old, a number of years old. The Lord was blessing and adding to the church such as should be saved. We are thankful and pray many more sinners will come to Ch...


Worship Hour

Date 30/5/1986

Congregation! I remember since the years of childhood the word was connected in my memory with prayer, singing and preaching! The photo shows the Athens Baptist Church in its early years. Small space, but full! Full not only with people, but mostly with the presence of God. One could see God's joy in the radiant faces of the believers. Visitors w...


Good-bye to sister from R

Date 1/5/1986

A touching moment! The lady in the middle of the front row is from Romania. She had been visiting her daughter and stayed with us quite some time. We came to love her and so did she. Now it's time for her to go back. After the morning service she asked to have a picture taken with a group of us as large as possible. And here we are in front of the ...


Sofoula tells her poem

Date 25/12/1983

The picture shows Sofoula telling her poem at a Christmas program in church. Pastor Markos Boussios is helping her with the microphone. "Sofoula" is the diminutive of "Sofia". And it is evident that she is not "Sofoula" any more. She is grown up and married to Thodoris, a Christian young man, having their own home. It is certainly a joy for us to k...


Buffet after evening service

Date 12/10/1980

The early Christians held common meals in church called "Agapes" meaning "love feasts". Together with these common meals they also celebrated "The Lord's Supper".The practice emanated from the great love they had for the Lord and for one another. They didn't want to part, they felt the need and desire to be together as much as possible. It was a go...


Sister Mairy with some kids

Date 28/4/1980

Another picture from beautiful Katsimidi. Sister Mary, Pastor's wife, is having a good time singing with a group of kids. They seem to enjoy it! Those children are fathers and mothers now. Some are with us and active in the church, others have moved to other, denominational churches, and, unfortunately, still others have denied the Faith! Our mos...


Sunday School

Date 25/12/1977

This picture is decades old. It shows the Sunday School of the Athens Baptist Church at its beginnings. Those children are men and women now. Some have professed Christ as their Savior, were scripturally baptized, and are in the church with their families. I am thankful for them. Some others forsook the Lord and went into the world. We pray for the...


Baptism at Loutsa

Date 25/7/1966

The photo is some decades old. It shows another baptism in the Aegean Sea. It was a beautiful summer morning. The ordinance has just ended. Five of the group, upon professing Christ as their personal Savior, were scripturally baptized. That is, by immersion and under the authority of the local church, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and ...

They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. Isaiah 40:31
Personal website of Markos Boussios
3 Pavlou Mela St.
142 31 Nea Ionia, Athens, Greece
Telephone 2: mobile 6932458402 Fax: 210.275.2383

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