Τετάρτη, 5 Φεβρουαρίου 2025
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Before Prayer Meeting Friday Evening
Date 3/1/2009 We read in the Book of Acts that the early Christians: "...continued...in prayers." (Acts 2: 42). And if there's something the churches of Christ need today most, it's exactly that: Prayer, much collective prayer! So many other church activities, that are not found in the New Testament, nor are in accordance either with the letter or with the spirit of God's word, unfortunately, have taken its place! The Athens Baptist Church strives to keep at least one prayer meeting a week alive. We get together, Bro. Markos or some other of the associates, brings a short message in preparation -that's what the photo shows- and then we fall on our knees and open our hearts before our Heavenly Father. We praise and thank Him for the salvation of our souls and leave by faith our petitions at the His feet in the name of Jesus. The joy and blessing that is ours is eneffable! To Him be all the glory! Brethren, the Lord loves us and warns us to prepare to meet Him, not only as our Savior, but as our Rewarder too. These evil days we need to get back to basic Christianity. Back to the apostolic simplicity of faith and practice, both individually and collectively. That's all we need! Jesus is coming: "Amen. Even so, come, Lord Jesus" (Re. 22: 20).