Τετάρτη, 5 Φεβρουαρίου 2025
Φεβρουάριος 2025 |
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Date 25/12/1977 This picture is decades old. It shows the Sunday School of the Athens Baptist Church at its beginnings. Those children are men and women now. Some have professed Christ as their Savior, were scripturally baptized, and are in the church with their families. I am thankful for them. Some others forsook the Lord and went into the world. We pray for them. As long as they live there is hope. They can repent and, by trusting Christ, be saved. But those that will remain in their life of sin and unbelief will sooner or later meet the Lord as Judge. Christ is willing to embrace all sinners with love and give them forgiveness and eternal life. He is waiting, the door is still open, will you go? This is your unique opportunity. For God's sake, don't neglect the salvation of your soul.