Τετάρτη, 5 Φεβρουαρίου 2025
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Date 13/6/1998
Tasos is the oldest son, and first-born, of Markos and Mary Boussios. He is married to Liouba Navtsouk from Ukraine, a believer and good wife and mother. God has given them two boys, Markos 8 and Andrew 6 years old. They are a nice family. They come to church and the boys attend Sunday School. It is our prayer, as is for all the other of our grandchildren, as well as the boys and girls of our church, that one day they will profess faith in Christ as their personal Savior and unite with God's family by scriptural baptism. We Christian parents must never forget that of all we have down here on earth, only our children we can take with us in heaven, therefore our responsibility to bring them up in the nurture and admonishion of the Lord and continuously uphold them in prayer is of paramount importance!