Nothing is easier than finding faults in others, but it is absolutely impossible not to make any mistakes yourself.
Δευτέρα, 20 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Photos - Notes

Welcome to Photos-Notes

In this page you'll be seeing beautiful pictures of Greece and other countries, as well as of groups and individuals, all in connection with the Bible in one way or another, but not exclusively. We will try to keep it as up-to-date as possible and, with all our love and earnest desire, present Christ as the only Savior of man, calling for further study of the Scriptures and unbiased prayerful inquiry to the end of the salvation of the reader through faith on the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. Amen!
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Corinth - 1

View of ancient Corinth from some point of the Acrocorinthus. One can see ruins of the Temple of Apollo, of Krenes (Springs) and the Agora, as well as of other important structures, that the archaeological spade, brought, at times, to light. One also sees modern buildings, mostly houses, developing not far from the archaeological site. There is no doubt that, from the Christian point of view, Corinth presents a special interest. To this important city Paul came from Athens. We are not told if he came by sea or by land. The distance would be about sixty miles. Here he met a Jewish couple, Aquila and Priscilla, who were forced to leave Rome after an order issued by Claudius that all Jews should leave the Capital of the Empire. «And because he was of the same craft, he abode with them, and wrought: for by occupation they were tentmakers.»(Acts 18:2,30). At Corinth Paul stayed one and a half years and the Lord gave him a rich harvest of souls. More on the subject in another note.

To try to understand God by the mind is sheer foolishness, but to believe and trust Him by the heart, is divine wisdom and prudence.
Personal website of Markos Boussios
3 Pavlou Mela St.
142 31 Nea Ionia, Athens, Greece
Telephone 2: mobile 6932458402 Fax: 210.275.2383

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